Too busy to wash and iron? Let us take the stress out of your life and do it for you.
Cleaning is not the only great service we offer at Domestic Solutions we can also do your washing and ironing for you.
Got a big basket of washing that needs washed or ironed? Let us do it for you. We can do it as part of your regular cleaning service, or you can get them done separately. You do not already have to be a client to take advantage of our washing and ironing services. We can do it for everyone.
So, what’s stopping you? Get on the blower or drop us an email. We promise to provide the best washing and ironing services around that will have not only have you looking your best, but your bed too! And all at an affordable price!
Lorraine on 07821817573 or Irene on 07787 838951 Email: domesticsolutionsirene@gmail.com